Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Documentary 5 minute structure

Following our notes in class here is a structure you could use to plan your documentary.

Storyboard template and script example

Here are some templates you can use for storyboards and script structure.  You have done these before and know what I expect.


Other storyboards (just look at the writing part - these arent appropriate as it is only for very short projects)

Shotlist (or use old way i taught you)


Assignment #4 Individual presentations

A2 Individual Production Idea Presentations
Set: Wed Sept 21
Due: Tues Sept 27 (rough draft) Wed Sept 28 (final presentation)

A) Brainstorm – have a range of ideas – 3 min. develop 3 DIFFERENT ideas and then narrow it down to the best one. (get advice about which one is strongest) (remember it is important to document and show your learning journey)
B) Research – to brief research on all 3 ideas and detailed research for your main idea.
C) Inspiration -where did you get your inspiration from> Make it clear with stills how you got inspiration from other documentaries (for construction aspect)
D) Plan -plan your idea the same way you would in year 12 and plan for:
-storyboard, shotlist, script, shotlist
-target audience
-music (background music)
-presenter/voiceover plans
-conventions (use/develop/challenge)
-titles (style)
-special f/x, transitions etc
E) Channel -what channel would it be on and why?
-what time would it be on and why?
-how are you meeting OFCOM standards?
F) Evaluation questions -answer all of the evaluation questions that you can

-powerpoint presentation or new platforms such as Prezi
-range of images and still shots
-choose topics you are passionate about and somewhat educated about (remember this is a heavy research project aside from the actual construction of it)
-choose original and detailed topics – not something like ‘religion’ or ‘teenage relationships’
-consider how your topic with relate and interest your target audience

Good luck and see me ASAP if you need any help at all, I’m here to help you!

Here is the assessment criteria

M–Minimal/incomplete B-Basic P-Proficient Ex-Excellent
Clear and engaging introduction? M B P EX
Clear, relevant points and info? Info presented clearly/briefly. M B P EX
Communicates well with a balance of using board and speaking
clearly without reading from board? M B P EX
Quality of research? M B P EX
Range of appropriate, inspirational TV documentaries that they have studied
and could potentially adapt into own coursework? M B P EX
Relevant images to support ideas and info? (using digital technology) M B P EX
Relevant moving image to support ideas and info? (using digital technology) M B P EX
Consider conventions and considered how they will challenge
and re-inforce them in own film? M B P EX
Considers actors and developed and described characters:
role/actor/ representation/age/gender? M B P EX
Considers and organizes location and settings of filming? M B P EX
Considers target audience: research identifies OFCOM age guidelines,
considers how they will address a specific target audience? M B P EX
Establishes genre and idea is appropriate to genre,
considers conventions of genre? M B P EX
Considers idea as a whole: clear? Appropriate for genre? M B P EX
Is the extract appropriate to the whole TV documentary? M B P EX
Planning considers all aspects of necessary requirements:
Plot, characters, titles/fonts, conventions, special fx, connotations of visuals, angles M B P EX
Considers realistic obstacles and potential filming problems M B P EX
Fonts and titles are considered and appropriate for idea and genre M B P EX
Considers art of filming and how to use a range of filming techniques
and angles/shots to emphasize meaning M B P EX
Considers all types of sounds and music to have an
appropriate effect on audience M B P EX
Uses storyboards and visuals to effectively illustrate idea of
TV documentary and visuals illustrate a range of angles M B P EX
Idea is original and creative M B P EX
Overall quality of preparation and planning M B P EX

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

2010-2011 A2 Coursework Marks & Groups


2. Jamilla (89) (& Victoria (84), Tobore (88), Mariana (86)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 4 & A grade
3. Jenny (66) (& Juliette (66), Peggy (54)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 3 & low C/high D grade
4. Mica (62) (& Samantha (73)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 3 & C grade
5. Halema (79) (& Tara (82), Marina (81) ) Group Level/ Mark: Level 3/4 & low A/high B grade
6. Difyajancy (58) (& Tracy (64), Simisola (63)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 2/3 & lowC/high D grade
A2 blogs

Jamilla Joseph 3092

Victoria Queiroz 3141

Jenny Ahua 4004

Difyajancy Balamurali 4016

Mariana Cardoso 4031

Tara Cuk 4042

Halema DaiDai 4045

Mica Dublin 4054

Tracy Longi-Perry 4104

Samantha Suarez 4165

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

ASSIGNMENT #3 Blog Analysis

Set: Sept 13
Due: in lesson or next lesson

Complete this in a post on Blog and title it ‘Assignment #3: Blog Analysis’

To be done in lesson and complete for next lesson if not completed in lesson.

1. Blog analysis of:
a) Compare these 2 blogs, write a short paragraph about why they are either successful or poor. Use still (print screen) as evidence

Uploading problem

Apparently there are problems with uploading powerpoints (or other documents) into google docs (to embed on your blog).

The technician has confirmed that this is a problem with Internet Explorer. If you use another browser such as chrome, mozilla, safari or if you have a Mac, it will work on those.

He said we have to wait so until then you can use Mac's in media room (on lunch or after school) OR do it from home if you have another type of browser other than Internet Explorer.

THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU DON'T DO WORK OR GETTING EXTENSIONS! - you have to keep up - I've explained the options.

I'll keep you informed.

Media Key Terms

Here is some revision material for key terms in media. This will be helpful for production and section A of your exam.

Revise these regularly and consider how you will use them in your research and planning.

Media Terminology map

General mark scheme

This is a general mark scheme below that you can refer to to understand how grades in media are composed.

This isn't from the board - it's just general guidance.



A* Exceptional
-wide range of written/visuals/use of strong, appropriate media platforms to support ideas and topics, uses strong and complex media language
-convincing, confident and appropriate for topic,
-extreme independent learning

-beyond expectations, original, creativity, extensive knowledge

A Excellent
- range of written/visuals/ use of media platforms to support ideas and topics, uses media language appropriately
-communicates with strong confidence, explains well
-excellent independent learning

-has strongly met expectations with high standards
-excellent efforts, research/planning/presentation with very good knowledge

B Very Good
- communicates well with planning and visuals, some use of media platforms
-good independent learning

-good standards of an overall well done research/planning/presentation, met expectations
-good knowledge/ideas of topic and media, use of media language

C Good/Satisfactory
- good communicates with satisfactory planning and minimal visuals, mostly reading from pages,
-average/some independent learning

-good standards of an overall good research/planning/presentation, met average expectations
-some knowledge/ideas of topic and media, some use of media language

D Average/Could Improve
- communicates with minimal planning and minimal visuals, mostly reading from pages, makes generalisations of knowledge/most idea based
-minimal independent learning

-minimal research/planning, presentation not well prepared, met very little expectations
-minimal knowledge/ideas of topic and media, no/very little use of media language

E Minimal/Needs Improvement
- communicates with no planning mostly idea based or incorrect information, mostly reading from pages, makes generalisations of knowledge
-no/very little minimal independent learning

-minimal research/planning, presentation not well prepared, met very little expectations, could be imcomplete
-no/very minimal knowledge/ideas, no use of media language/knowledge

U Concern/Incomplete - Failure and/or Incomplete planning/work

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Lesson 1 Homework

Year 13 First media INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATIONS (these will be graded)

Remember to use MOSTLY VISUALS AND DIAGRAMS, not text!!!!!!!!!! Use as many technical skills as you can – attaching images, links, videos etc
*****NO embedding on presentations – embed the youtube videos (if any) on blog*****

Due Next Wednesday

For next questions you must use STILL images as evidence.
d) What did you think of the year 13 coursework videos? Could use WWW & EBI to evaluate and analyse each group.
e) What is the most effective documentary from last year? Why? Use stills do show why it is effective (focus on what they were marked on)
f) What did you learn from analysing the coursework from last year? How will this help you next year?

Click here for list of student blogs

Due Next Friday

Presentation about 1 or (or 2) film documentaries and 1 TV documentary you have watched (2 is for a challenge for A/B students)
(Film) Bowling for columbine*
(Film) Koyaaniskasi (sp)*
(Film) March of Penguins*

*If would like to watch these documentaries again, I will be showing them again.
Thursday: Lunch & 3:30-4:30
Tuesday: Lunch & 3:30-4:30
Wednesday: Lunch & 3:30-4:30
Friday/Monday/Thursday lunch is viewing for any documentary (first come, first serve)

4. ______________ (your choice of TV documentary)**
**Last year we watched ‘Kill it, cut it, use it’ but it is no longer available to watch so unless you have completed it last you, you will have to do another one)

You must discuss the following for each one:
a) Brief info about the documentary
b) What did you learn from the documentary? (keep it focused mostly on film making)
c) What did you like/dislike about the documentary?
d) Analyse some of the scenes and analyse the effectiveness of filming/editing
e) How does this documentary meet the conventions of documentaries?
f) Who is the target audience and how did they reach the target audience?
g) How did this documentary inspire you? (what are you taking from it)
h)OPTIONAL: If doing 2 film documentaries: Compare the similarities and differences of the 2 of your choice

Good luck!

Lesson 1 Agenda and In class task

Please note these are on the K drive, but posting on here too.

Year 13 MEDIA Lesson 1 & 2

1. Results: Most of you did very well with some disappointments. New year = new attitude, this is your year for university applications.
2. Revision book recommended: _____________________________________
3. OCR Homepage
a. Look at spec
b. Pages 6, 10, 29-33, 37-43, 44, 47, 48-49, 54, 71-77
4. Get ahead Blog
a. Old one – still access old posts and examples
b. New one – new links and work
5. Examiners report (pages 11-17 or printed 14-20)
6. Production stuff
a. Construction: Now has ancillary tasks (20 marks)
b. Editing info (new imovie)
c. Review of BBC iplayer, 4OD, youtube TV channel for online TV shows
8. Year 13 Blog: In class task & Homework


1. a) SET IT UP (you just add another blog from your existing account)
b) E-mail to me:

1. A) Record overall result on your blog.
CW Grade: _____ + Exam Grade: ______ = Overall grade ______

B) Coursework


C) What did you enjoy about year 12 media?
D) What did you not enjoy about year 12 media?
E) What do you want to achieve in year 13 media?

Welcome back!

Good afternoon Year 13's!

Hope you had a lovely holiday and are looking forward to this academic year. Some of you have done brilliant - very well done and congrats! Some of you haven't done as best you could but I know you have worked hard but can improve this year. I believe in all of you, I will continue to push and support you in your success!

You have made it back into year 13 and I hope you have learned many lessons in year 12 that will enable you to be stronger, wiser, more mature and determined. Afterall, these are qualities you will need to be successful.

This is your last year here before University so make it count.

Best wishes
Miss Connell :)