Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Really cool magazine

This is a great printed and online magazine that has great design and graphics - might give you some ideas for designing your ancillaries.

Media Key Terms

You need to know these!  You should know these!

If you dont.......REVISE!

Assignment 9: Group Presentation

Set: Thur Oct 19
Due: Tues Nov 1

This is the homework for half term, you have plenty of time so I expect a good standard of work. You will need to meet up as a group to complete this.


This is a presentation which is the starting point of your 5 minute documentary. Can be done on powerpoint or Prezi.

The majority of this presentation should be annotated VISUALS (pictures and diagrams) and NOT a lot of writing, remember the recommended PEE/E structure.

Structure your powerpoint in this format:

-Include a title page
-Assignment name and group members, colour code key

-slide for each person that contains:
-their 3 ideas           
-WWW & EBI of those 3 ideas
-which one is their strongest idea and why?

-which 1 (or 2) ideas would you like to realistically take forward and why?
-how are you going to change or develop it from it's initial state

-What are some documentaries (film and TV)  that you watched and got inspired by? (can take some from previous project but you could and should add to this) (can be some documentaries on your topic but not all of them - can be other topics)
-what specifically was inspirational to you?  (use print screens for this!)

-complete in depth research of the topic (1 or 2) that you have chosen to do, this research should be presented in a clear yet informative way. It should show you have knowledge and insight into this topic.
-research can include written text, photographs, video interviews, etc Try to explore different platforms

-what are the conventions of TV documentaries (from the assignment I set)
-what conventions are you USING? Provide evidence: how are you going to do this?
-what conventions are you DEVELOPING? Provide evidence: how are you going to do this?
-what conventions are you CHALLENGING? Provide evidence: how are you going to do this?

-To complete this section you need to consider the structure format I gave you and went through in class
(use a clear chart to create this)
(also remember that the subtopics must relate to the overall topic like an essay)
-what would happen for each episode (you could have 3-5 hour long episodes to plan for)
-choose an episode you want to focus on and give details as to what would happen in each one
-give details of the 5 minutes and what would happen in the 5 minutes

-complete a basic storyboard for your 5 minutes
-complete a basic script for the narrator/presenter
-a shotlist should not be completed at this time

-who is your target audience? (age, gender, hobbies, interests, lifestyle, location, social class etc)
-get feedback from your target audience about your ideas and show the results
-complete questionnaires from your target audience about your ideas or details of your ideas
-could take photographs of these interviews to document the process
-could complete video interviews with your target audience instead of written component - could even use this in documentary
-how are you going to make an documentary which is interesting to your target audience? (through FORM and CONVENTIONS)
-what TV channel would you put it on and why (consider assignment you already completed)
-what time would you put it on and why
-how are you meeting the OFCOM standards

PART K (optional extension)
-style of titling and credits
-also the style of your title for your documentary (done in many different ways but try to be more creative than simple writing on screen)

PART L (optional extension)
-music for background (remember limited copyright if sought permission and the rest is either from copyright free source or made by you in garageband)

PART M (optional extension)
-which listing magazine would you use use to put your double page spread which features your TV documentary in and why?
-are there are inspirational double page spreads that you have found that are inspirational? How are they inspirational?
-which newspaper would you use to put your newspaper advert to advertise your newspaper in and why? (consider the current advertisements of the channel you choose)
-are there are inspirational newspaper adverts that you have found that are inspirational? How are they inspirational?

PART N (optional extension)
-consideration of evaluation questions (that you can answer)

Please report any problems within your group to me ASAP. It is up to you to work together and pull the weight equally. Have a good half term and try to get some relax and enjoyment! :)

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Assignment 8: Groups and proposal

Set: Tues Oct 18
Due: Wed Oct 19

You may do this as a powerpoint or just a blog post.  You may also take photographs or video tape this meeting.

You must decide your group today. By tomorrow I would like to see on your blog (ready for discussion):

-who you are working with
-what ideas you all have (you may list all ideas you had)
-which 3 main ideas you think you will like to take forward and why
-why you are dropping all the other ideas
-targets you have to be successful this year

You need to use time in the period today to complete this.

In tomorrow's lesson (wed) you will also complete a VLOG about this in lesson (everyone will have equal time to complete)

You will be set your Assignment 9: Group Presentation (Phase 1) tomorrow in which you complete over half term.  The hard work begins then!!!!!!!

Assignment 7: OFCOM

Set: Tuesday Oct 18
Due: Sunday Oct 23

Complete an individual presentation on OFCOM which will discuss and present:

-who they are
-what they do (only focus on TV broadcasting)
-how they regulate
-relationship to channels and audiences
-what are the rules/restrictions
-examples to support points made about rules/restrictions (etc looking at different TV shows (documentaries as focus)

Optional extention:   -connection to SHEP: (social context, historical context, economical context, political context)

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Current Grade (October)

My target grade is _____.  My current grade is ____.  To improve to next grade I need to…..

  • use PEEE structure in presentations
  • improve time management
  • complete all presentations fully
  • use a wider range of images in presentation

Monday, 10 October 2011

Assignment 6: Conventions of (TV) documentaries

Set: Tues Oct 10
Due: WED Oct 19 (just over one week to complete)

Your new project is to be done in powerpoint and embedded onto blog where I will grade it from. You are NOT presenting this to the class or me, I am marking from your blog.

Task: You are to make a powerpoint which is a research project about conventions of TV documentaries.  This project is for you to be able to complete research to investigate how conventions are used, developed and challenged in documentaries which you will of course apply to your own documentaries.
Choose a level:

All must - be able to complete #1, #2, #5  (D grade and below) You cannot achieve higher than a C for this level. (must do only red)

Most should  - be able to complete #1, #2, #3, #5  (C grade and below) You cannot achieve higher than a B for this level. (must do all red and amber)

Some could - be able to complete #1, #2, #3, #4, #5  (B+ grade and below) You can achieve B and higher for this level. (must do everything)
#1 = complete or incomplete
#2 = you will be graded with level 1, level 2, level 3 or level 4
#3 = you will be graded with level 1, level 2, level 3 or level 4
#4 = you will be graded with level 1, level 2, level 3 or level 4
#5 = you will be graded with level 1, level 2, level 3 or level 4

I will add up your marks to give you a level and an approximate grade.
Remember to use mostly visuals, not a lot of text:
                        P: point                                                      make a point by putting a clear title and/or subtitle
                        E: evidence                                               provide an image as evidence to your point
                        E/E: explanation/                                underneath/beside the evidence (image) use bullet points to
                        Effect                                                            explain it further and the effect of it

1. Include a title page with assignment name, purpose of project and name
2. Identify conventions of TV documentaries
   a)  Make points about identifying a range of conventions in TV documentaries
   b) Provide examples of still shots (print screens) from TVdocumentaries as evidence
   c) In bullet points explain the convention, why it is used and it's effectiveness on an audience
3. Identify conventions of film documentaries
   a)  Make points about identifying a range of conventions in film documentaries
   b) Provide examples of still shots (print screens) from documentaries as evidence
   c) In bullet points explain the convention, why it is used and it's effectiveness on an audience
4. How do TV documentaries differ from film documentaries?
   a)  Make points about identifying similarities between TV & film documentaries (set up a chart to make the similarities clear)  
   b) Provide examples of still shots (print screens) to prove the similarities
   c) Use bullet points to explain the similarities (could discuss why both platforms use the same conventions and also how they use similar conventions differently)
  a)  Make points about identifying differences between TV & film documentaries (set up a chart to make the similarities clear)  
   b) Provide examples of still shots (print screens) to prove the differences   c) Use bullet points to explain the similarities (could discuss why both platforms use the same conventions and also how they use similar conventions differently for audiences and different platforms)
   c) Use bullet points to explain the differences (could discuss why the 2 platforms use the different conventions for different audiences and platforms)
5. To answer the following questions you will need to obtain evidence from various TV documentaries. Use online resources such as BBC iplayer, 4OD, youtube (tv documentaries) etc. or you could take stills from your TV but this will be quite hard.

You need to make a clear chart for this section to keep it organised and clear.
   a)  How do 1-3 documentaries USE conventions of TV documentaries? Why and what is their effect?
   b) How do 1-3 documentaries DEVELOP conventions of TV documentaries? Why and what is their   effect?  
   c) How do 1-3 documentaries CHALLENGE conventions of TV documentaries? Why and what is their effect?  

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Missing E-mail

There are people who have no e-mailed me therefore I have no been able to e-mail you your feedback which is due to be posted on your blog by the end of the week (Fri Oct 7)


Please e-mail me @ with your blog address by tomorrow or Friday morning latest.

Thank you

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Ongoing study...

Whilst you work on homework and we complete class presentations, it is vital that you carry on with independent study and development of your work.

You can constantly be revising and developing:

-improving your work/presentations (remember to put as DRAFT 1, DRAFT 2, DRAFT 3 on your blog. Make sure it is clear on your blog you have completed drafts)

-research about OFCOM and TV regulation

-considering, planning and answering evaluation questions

-research for ancillaries: (you can research effective advertising/layout design and also look at real existing models and consider how they would inspire you for your ideas)
      1. Newspaper advert (an advert in a newspaper of your choice to advertise your documentary)
      2. Double page spread in a listings magazine (a double page spread in a listings magazine that advertises/discusses your new documentary. Remember this is a feature about your documentary so must have blocks of text and range of images)

If you don't take responsibility of your own learning, don't expect anything above a C, this is why A2 is more difficult! See me at any time for support and guidance.

Assignment 5: TV Channel research

Set: Tues Oct 4
Due: Tues Oct 11 (one week to complete)

Your new project is to be done in powerpoint and embedded onto blog where I will grade it from. You are NOT presenting this to the class or me, I am marking from your blog.

Task: You are to make a powerpoint which is a research project about different TV stations to understand what they air and why they air it and who their target audience is.

Choose a level:

All must - be able to complete research, answer questions and present findings of at least 2 TV stations. (at least on TV channel with online viewing capabilities)  D grade and below

Most should - be able to complete research, answer questions and present findings of at least 3 TV stations. (at least on TV channel with online viewing capabilities)  C grade

Some could  -  be able to complete research, answer questions and present findings of at least 4+ TV stations. (at least on TV channel with online viewing capabilities)  B grade and above

List of TV channels to choose from:

Choose at least one from this list
Sky/Sky Living
Channel 5

Choose at least one from this list
BBC and BBC iplayer
Channel 4 and 4OD (via youtube)


1. Include a title page with assignment name, purpose of project and name
2. Include a page which identifies your TV channels you will be discussing
3. Complete your analysis for each of the TV channels you choose:
   a)  General information about the channel
   b) What kind of TV shows are on this channel? Provide examples
   c) Who is the target audience for this channel? You may have to identify different audiences at different times. Provide examples of how you know they are target audience; use tv shows as evidence.
   d)  At what time slots is the channel most successful? Why? Provide examples
   e)  What kind of documentaries are shown on this channel? Why? What time? To what type of audience? Provide examples for all.
   f) How does this channel compare to other channels?
   g) How does this channel's type of documentaries compare to other channels'?
4. Which channel would you choose for your 3 documentary topics?

 See me if you need any help, good luck!


Here is the assessment criteria for the presentations (phase 1 which is presenting 3 ideas, research and what would happen in all 3 episodes)

M–Minimal/incomplete                                        B-Basic        P-Proficient                                            Ex-Excellent

Clear and engaging introduction                                                                                                                    M    B    P    EX
Clear, relevant points and info? Info presented clearly/briefly.                                               M    B    P    EX
Presentation skills: Uses formality, communicates well with a balance of using board and speaking
clearly without reading from board                                                                                                              M    B    P    EX
Wide range of relevant images and still shots used                                                                          M    B    P    EX
Some use of relevant moving images                                                                                                           M    B    P    EX
Clear and brief use of text, bullet points rather than lengthy paragraphs                          M    B    P    EX
Consider conventions and considered how they will challenge
and re-inforce them in own documentary?                                                                                               M    B    P    EX
Considers realistic obstacles and potential filming problems                                                    M    B    P    EX
Explores a range of 3 different ideas                                                                                                            M    B    P    EX
Show brainstorming/mind mapping to show exploration and development
of all 3 ideas                                                                                                                                                                   M    B    P    EX
Quality of the research for ideas to show knowledge of topic                                                   M    B    P    EX
Considers the overall topic as a detailed and informative topic that promotes a
debate within an issue                                                                                                                                           M    B    P    EX
Considers what would happen in each episode and the episode topics relate
clearly to the overall topic                                                                                                                                 M    B    P    EX
Overall quality of preparation and planning                                                                                              M    B    P    EX

Updated Individual presentation assessment criteria

This is for the presentations you are completing now - with presenting 3 ideas and what the three episodes would be about.

M–Minimal/incomplete B-Basic P-Proficient Ex-Excellent

Clear and engaging introduction M B P EX
Clear, relevant points and info? Info presented clearly/briefly. M B P EX
Presentation skills: Uses formality, communicates well with a balance of using board and speaking
clearly without reading from board M B P EX
Wide range of relevant images and still shots used M B P EX
Some use of relevant moving images M B P EX
Clear and brief use of text, bullet points rather than lengthy paragraphs M B P EX
Consider conventions and considered how they will challenge
and re-inforce them in own documentary? M B P EX
Considers realistic obstacles and potential filming problems M B P EX
Explores a range of 3 different ideas M B P EX
Show brainstorming/mind mapping to show exploration and development
of all 3 ideas M B P EX
Quality of the research for ideas to show knowledge of topic M B P EX
Considers the overall topic as a detailed and informative topic that promotes a
debate within an issue M B P EX
Considers what would happen in each episode and the episode topics relate
clearly to the overall topic M B P EX
Overall quality of preparation and planning M B P EX