Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Complete Blog Checklist

Please make sure you are updating your blog regularly. You have been doing a lot of work for your drafts and I'm not sure how good all you have been with putting this information on your blog.  We will clean up blogs within next few weeks, this week we need to concentrate on finishing the construction.


20 marks (research & planning)
40 marks (construction of documentary)
10 marks (ancillary 1)
10 marks (ancillary 2)
20 marks (evaluation)

A2 BLOG CHECKLIST                                                                                                                                                                               Feb 7/12

1.        ____ first post (grades from last year)
2.        ____ media key term sheets
3.        ____ posts about what you have been learning and doing in class after first few weeks
4.        ____ the specification (29, 30, 33 (#7), 35, 44, 46, 47, 49, 58)
5.        ____ the mark scheme (for research/planning & construction/evaluation) (71,72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, ancillaries – 78, 79)
6.        ____ examiners report from G321 (Jan 2011 & June 2011)
7.        ____ Assignment 1: AS coursework analysis
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Record of Grade
c.        ___ Targets to improve
d.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
8.        ____ Assignment 2: AS presentation about documentaries
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
9.        ____ Assignment 3: Blog analysis
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Record of Grade
c.        ___ Targets to improve
d.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
10.     ____ sample storyboard and script
11.     ____ 5 minute structure plan/template
12.     ____ Assignment 4: Individual presentation (phase one)
a.        ___ Self Assessment (on assessment criteria sheet)
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
13.     ____ independent individual research about OFCOM and/or the ancillaries
14.     ____ Assignment 5: TV channel research
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
15.     ____ Assignment 6: conventions of TV documentaries
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
16.     ____ CURRENT GRADE POST (My target grade is _____.  My current grade is ____.  To improve to next grade I need to…..)
17.     ____ posts about TV documentary club (documentaries you watched, what you liked about them, what you learned etc)
18.     ____ posts about what you have been learning and doing in class
19.     ____ Assignment 7: OFCOM
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts

20.     ____ Assignment 8: Groups and Proposal
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Record of Grade
c.        ___ Targets to improve
d.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
21.     ____ Assignment 9: Group presentation (draft 1)
a.        ___ Self Assessment (on assessment criteria)
b.        ___ Peer Assessment (on assessment criteria)
c.        ___ Teacher Assessment
d.        ___ Record of Grade
e.        ___ Targets to improve
f.         ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
22.     ____ CURRENT GRADE POST (My last current grade was ____.  My target grade is _____. My current grade is ____.    To improve to next grade I need to…..)
23.     ____ posting the evaluation questions and beginning to show your consideration to them (brainstorm stage)
24.     Assignment 9: Group presentation (draft 2)
a.        ___ Self Assessment (on assessment criteria)
b.        ___ Peer Assessment (on assessment criteria)
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
25.     ____ Record of what you did to improve the draft from Draft 1 to draft 2
26.     Assignment 9: Group presentation (draft 3)
a.        ___ Self Assessment (on assessment criteria)
b.        ___ Peer Assessment (on assessment criteria)
c.        ___ Teacher Assessment                                       **(My marks coming soon!)
d.        ___ Record of Grade
e.        ___ Targets to improve
27.     ____ Record of what you did to improve the draft from Draft 2 to draft 3
28.     ____ Any additional drafts of assignment 9                          **(If you want me to mark – pls arrange to see me!)
29.     ____ ‘Documenting improvements in drafts’ (powerpoint) – this summarizes how you have improved in drafts for ALL drafts
30.     ____ Short term filming plans (weekly)
31.     ____ Long term filming plans (from start date of filming until final due dates)
a.        ____ You could include short video or written responses (for each draft) that identify how you feel about your time management
32.     ____ Draft 1 video (documentary) on blog
a.        ____ Self assessment (chart)
                                                               i.      Could also complete a vlog which you could reflect on how you did on draft 1 video, what you learned and what you need to do to improve
b.        ____ Peer assessment
c.        ____ Teacher assessment
d.        ____ Reflection of audience feedback (video is good) (prep for evaluation question)
33.     ____ Draft 1 ancillary PDF
a.        ____ Self assessment (chart)
                                                               i.      Could also complete a vlog which you could reflect on how you did on draft 1 ancillaries, what you learned and what you need to do to improve
b.        ____ Peer assessment
c.        ____ Teacher assessment
d.        ____ Reflection of audience feedback (video is good) (prep for evaluation question)
34.     ____ pictures of you on set/locations (evidence of filming)
35.     ____ Meeting log (make sure you include multiple ones to show updated versions)
36.     ____ progress/planning of questions to show your consideration to them (planning stage)
37.     ____ Repeating #32 for draft 2             
38.     ____ Repeating #33 for draft 2
39.     ____ Repeating #32 for draft 3              (record verbal feedback with notes of what I said)              
40.     ____ Repeating #33 for draft 3              (record verbal feedback with notes of what I said)
41.     ____ Repeating #32 for draft 4              (record verbal feedback with notes of what I said)
42.     ____ Repeating #33 for draft 4              (record verbal feedback with notes of what I said)
43.     ____ ‘Documenting improvements in drafts’ (powerpoint) – this summarizes how you have improved in drafts for ALL drafts (do this to show how you improved all your recent drafts (2-5)
44.     ____ Planning for each evaluation question 1 (organise this in a powerpoint)
45.     ____ Planning for each evaluation question 2 (organise this in a powerpoint)
46.     ____ Planning for each evaluation question 3 (organise this in a powerpoint)
47.     ____ Planning for each evaluation question 4 (organise this in a powerpoint)

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